The following code is designed to help foster a professional environment in the school and to prepare the students for the professional world. THE DRESS CODE POLICY IS IN EFFECT EVERY SCHOOL DAY. Basic guidelines for the dress code are given below, but anything, which in the judgment of the school administration detracts form the school's professional atmosphere, will be prohibited. The dress code may be altered for some special events; students will be notified of these days in advance.
Uniform and Dress Code for Students
The César Chávez Academy dress code is intended to create a safe educational setting for all students. César Chávez Academy School District adheres to a strict dress code policy on a daily basis which is as follows:
Khaki pants worn at the waist/skirts (knee length with stockings or nylons for girls)
Collared navy blue polo shirt with or without the CCA logo, it must be tucked in at all times.
SOLID BLACK dress shoes which cover the heel, no high heeled shoes will be permitted or shoes with light colored soles.
A brown or black belt (if necessary)
White or navy blue cardigan style (button down) sweaters are permissible.
Students in all grades will be prohibited from wearing:
Boot cut pants (casual dress day only), jeans (casual dress day only), polyester spandex or lycra pants/skirts, skorts/shorts, capri pants, and culottes, are prohibited.
Jackets or hooded sweatshirts may NOT be worn during the school day.
Clothing and accessories that promote alcohol, tobacco, or drug usage or which display weapons or violence and which cause or are likely to cause a disruption within the school environment.
Clothing and accessories that contain vulgar, derogatory or suggestive diagrams, pictures, slogans or words that may be interpreted as racially, religiously, ethnically, or sexually offensive and which cause or are likely to cause a disruption within the school environment.
Clothing symbolic of gangs or disruptive groups associated with threatening behavior, harassment or discrimination which cause or are likely to cause a disruption within the school environment.
Head coverings of any kind in the building (except for religious or medical reasons). Bandanas may not be worn at anytime.
Tank tops, tube tops, mesh tops, sheer tops, sleeveless tops, halter, or bare midriff tops. Shirts cannot have necklines that are lower than the straight line from top of underarm across to opposite underarm. Shirts must cover shoulders, must have sleeves, and must extend past the top of the pants. Display of cleavages not permitted. Tops may not expose midriff, and clothing must cover undergarments at all times.
Pajamas, lounge-wear, and dorm pants are prohibited.
Leggings or tight fitting spandex type pants, pants with side slits or holes above the knees, see-through pants, tights, or leotards worn as outer garments.
Sagging pants, pants worn low on the hip so as to reveal underwear or skin. Pants must be worn with both legs down (not one leg rolled up), and pant legs may not extend past the sole of the shoe. Clothing must cover undergarments at all times.
Bedroom slippers, roller sneakers, and high heeled shoes are prohibited. Shoes must be worn at all times. Athletic shoes may be worn for Physical Education only. Flip flops, sandals, open-toed and open-heeled shoes are prohibited.
Hair, Jewelry and Make-Up:
No "Mohawks", no glitter for the females or the males.
Males must have an appropriate and professional haircut. Hair cannot pass the shirt collar, eyebrows or ears.
Males are prohibited from having facial hair. (beard, mustache, etc.)
Females must wear appropriate and professional hairstyles.
Makeup, lipstick, nail polish and lotions are not allowed. Lotions are not to be used in the classrooms.
Visible tattoos are strictly prohibited. Tattoos of any nature must be covered.
Jewelry is allowed, ONLY when in moderate use:
Collars and chains/necklaces are to be worn inside the shirt or blouse.
Females are not to wear hoop earrings larger than the size of a quarter. Females are not allowed to wear earrings that "dangle" longer than 1/2 inch.